By Dave Wintermute

Two significant newsworthy events to communicate.

1. We want to announce and welcome Mary Clark to the Board of Directors of Yellow Power Caterpillar Community

As many know, Mary has a proven passion, capability, and talent for serving the Caterpillar Community. We are excited to welcome Mary to the YPCC Board of Directors!

As a serving Board member, Mary will become the Chairperson for the new YPCC Board of Directors committee entitled “Public Relations/ Communications” and will lead this committee with other Board members. This committee will have direction in the following areas of YPCC:

  • Clerical
  • Membership and Retention
  • Newsletters
  • New Initiatives

This committee reports to the YPCC Board of Directors as needed.

Yellow Power Board of Directors:

  • Kent Bates
  • Peter Bloom
  • Loma Berndsen
  • Jim Clack
  • Mary Clark
  • Nathan Duncan
  • Bill Robertson
  • Julie Russell
  • Bruce Vinkler
  • Dave Wintermute

2. Yellow Power Caterpillar Community Event

YPCC will participate in the 2023 Half Century of Progress show being held in Rantoul, IL August 24-27. Mark your calendars as this event is being billed as “The World’s Largest Vintage Working Farm Show.” We will have a tent and display area at the show for all equipment makes that is Caterpillar powered. All Caterpillars, Holt, and Best Tractors and equipment are welcome as well as all Caterpillar powered Trucks, Tractors, and equipment. Looking forward to a great show and participation by YPCC. So, bring your Caterpillar tractors, and equipment if possible.

Only agricultural activities ie, plowing, and disking will be allowed for working equipment. Construction tractors and equipment will be static displays with some possible parade routes.

Hope to see you there!



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loberndKS replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
Welcome Mary!! Looking forward to seeing fellow enthusiasts at Rantoul!!