
Most Cat dozer operators learned their skills in their teens or twenties, but a few got an early start when they were youngsters. If they were lucky on Christmas day, they may have found a shiny new Caterpillar D4 pedal dozer or, if they were really blessed, a six volt electric-powered dozer under the tree.
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Late this summer, Yellow Power had the pleasure of being at the 65th Annual New York Steam Association Pageant of Steam which was held in Canandaigua, New York, from August 6-9. We thank the show’s organizers for a very cordial welcome.
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Good tidings to all this early October day. I hope you all have had a successful year to date and have enjoyed the multiple opportunities to attend local and distant shows. Yellow Power has been active at several venues this year including Tulare and Santa Margarita, CA, Canandaigua, NY and Portland, IN. Our local chapters have also participated in shows within their geographic areas. As always, it is great to attend and revisit with our many friends.
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Clewiston Tractor, now Kelly Caterpillar, was contracted by the U.S. Sugar Corporation in Clewiston, FL to build rubber tire tractors to pull sugar cane wagons from the field to factory in the mid 1950s. The Caterpillar D6 9U tractor served as the base unit with a custom wheel conversion added.
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It is difficult to adequately introduce Cat enthusiast Les Bergsten. His 40 year career at Caterpillar is clearly the source of his “yellow blood”. Incredibly it is just one chapter in a work history that started with driving a Case tractor on his family farm at age 7 and includes a 37 year career in the Air Force, 20 years on the Peoria city council and 20+ years of shareholder activism. He jokes that his combined years of service make him 137 years old. He has undoubtedly fit that much living and then some in his 93 years (and counting!).
Yellow Power recently had an opportunity to sit down with Les and listen to his many varied life experiences. Les started his Caterpillar career in 1952 after graduating from Kansas State with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After starting at Cat as a College Co-op he was called up to active duty in the US Air Force where he had what can only be summed up as an incredible experience. Caterpillar held a spot for him to return to full-time in 1955, although he continued to serve as an Air Force reservist until 1990.
Les’s first assignment at the Cat Peoria Proving Grounds in 1955 was working on 4-wheel scraper tractors. Those tractors obviously continue to hold a special place in Les’s heart and replicas of those machines are a prominent part of his diecast collection.
Les humbly recounted an early experience as a test engineer on the DW20. He figured the best way to get to know the product was to get some experience running one. The test machine on hand at the Proving Ground was an electric-start model but unfortunately Les found that the batteries were dead. Seeking assistance from one of the more experienced operators, it was suggested that it would be easier to pull start the DW20 than to jump start it. Les sat in the seat on the DW20 as the operator made multiple, unsuccessful attempts to pull start the machine. Les soon noticed oil coming out of the air cleaner and quickly realized that he had the transmission in reverse! He confessed the error to the operator who commented, “You’re new here, aren’t you?”
Les revealed a few other behind-the-scenes details on early scraper tractor development. He recounted how management felt the original DW10 with its curved fenders didn’t look “tough enough” which is why there was a drastic change to the more simplified fenders on later versions. He went on to point out how on one of his scale models the radiator extended significantly higher than the hood. He described how cooling issues required a change to a larger radiator but the hood was left at the original level.
One of the more colorful stories Les recounted was testing on the ill-fated 668 tractor. The 668C was a four-wheel-drive version of the DW20E scraper tractor. The previous generation of DW20 that was sold to the military had a four-wheel-drive configuration that apparently didn’t have any known issues, but when it was adapted for civilian use as the 668 it was fraught with problems. Under certain conditions, a vibration would develop in the front drivetrain with disastrous results. Les recalled a time that the front driveshaft of a test machine was thrown 30 feet!
After several different drive shaft designs and materials, Cat threw in the towel on the 668 and decided to buy back all of the 50 or so units that had been sold. Les recalls that they were successful in buying back all but one unit. “A customer in Canada built an elaborate snow plow onto his tractor and Cat would pay for the tractor but not the snowplow, so the customer refused to sell.”
Following his scraper tractor experience, Les went on to work on Cat gas turbine engines (prior to Cat’s acquisition of SOLAR) and then reduction of noise levels on Cat machines. Les conducted sound testing on Cat machines all over the world. His work undoubtedly helped preserve hearing for countless machine operators. Finally in 1992 after 40 years of service, Les retired from Cat.
In retirement, Les has maintained his connection to Caterpillar. He has been a frequent attendee at antique Caterpillar shows across the US since the early days of the Caterpillar collecting hobby, and although he has downsized, still has an impressive collection of Caterpillar diecasts and memorabilia. He also has a legendary attendance record for annual Cat shareholder meetings. Despite a tendency to put Cat Executives on the spot regarding issues important to customers and employees, he has been recognized by the Cat Board of Directors for his persistence.
Les says his current goal is to be retired from Cat for as long as he worked there. That may seem like an ambitious goal given his lengthy time as an employee, but it is obvious from talking to him that he should not be underestimated. Thank you Les for your service, and your time spent talking to us.
Les Bergsten proudly displays his collection of Caterpillar diecasts and memorabilia
Some of the scraper tractors in Les’s diecast collection
Cat scraper tractor being tested at the Peoria Proving Grounds circa 1955
Cat 668C Tractor with 668S bulldozer
Plaque given to Les to commemorate his retirement
Lt. Col. USAF (Retired) Lester Bergsten
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Over the summer, my wife and I purchased an RV with obvious intentions. My ulterior motive was to also use it to visit machinery shows during the season. Although the deal was struck the last week of July, our coach wasn’t available until a few weeks later when the pre-delivery inspection revealed an oil sender leak in the motor.
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Well, this is the first edition of the 2024 Yellow Power newsletter! There is much to remember in 2023 as Yellow Power Caterpillar + Community (YPCC) celebrates its start and first year as a new organization. Many thanks to all of you as Founding Members of the organization. It would not exist without the many supporters and contributors. Thanks for a great start as we look forward to continued growth and commitment in 2024. Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year!
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Dave Wintermute is interviewed by Josh Heinrich on the attendance of Yellow Power at the annual Rough and Tumble show with the Collectors of Antique Tractors (C.A.T) chapter.
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In 2007 I was approached by a 15 year old Boy Scout that I vaguely knew to be his mentor on his Eagle Scout project. Soon it was apparent to me that this young man was truly gifted with machines and tools. I had recently purchased a tired old 78A D4D to refresh a bit and use on my farm. The scout, Colby, loved the machine and he was smitten with the fever of old yellow iron. He spoke frequently of acquiring a D2 and I repeatedly told him that the machines were too small to be serviceable.
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Even during the height of the Great Depression Caterpillar continued developing cutting-edge new products. In July 1938, Caterpillar’s Road machinery division launched a new machine called the Caterpillar Diesel No.12 Auto Patrol. It was renamed a motor grader just one year later, and it remained part of the product for 81 years. The Diesel No.12 went on to be the most recognized, and longest running model in the Caterpillar product line of motor graders.
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The Half Century of Progress show in Rantoul, Illinois was held August 24 through 27, 2023. Several friends of Yellow Power initiated conversations with the show management to allow the inclusion of track type tractors. Previously, there was virtually no participation from this class of tractors for several reasons. The fact that the Rantoul municipal airport is still an active runway and as such, falls under the jurisdiction of the FAA lends caution to the promoters.
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Yellow Power Caterpillar + Community attended the annual Santa Margarita Memorial Day weekend show this year (May 26th through the 29th). As our first presence at a scheduled event proved, we are a growing club with a strong following. Several of our board and club members manned the Yellow Power tent and enjoyed brisk sales of our merchandise.
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As anyone that has attempted one will confirm, tractor restorations are hard. With any challenging task, one good way to find motivation to continue is to visualize what life after the finish line looks like. Chuck Ehler encountered several obstacles in his quest to find and restore the 20,000th Caterpillar Diesel RD-4, and one idea for after it was done helped him persevere to complete the project.
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From humble beginnings in 1933, to the international organization it is today, one thing has remained consistent: Finning has a reputation for service excellence.
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Gary in California is the Brother in Law of Murl, who was an operator who worked all the big jobs in California from the 1950s on. Murl took some 8 mm video of some of those jobs, which Gary has posted on YouTube.
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Garlic Mom and I were lucky enough to be offered a tour of the Tinaja Hills Demonstration Area last February. We came down to visit some of our Caterpillar Friends, who were doing training there.
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On February 10, 2023 the Garlic Team rescued a 1947 Peterbilt from the Tehachapi junk yard. The truck was a three axle conventional truck tractor which was connected to a homemade end dump trailer which worked using the truck’s winch.