Santa Margarita Show

Yellow Power Caterpillar + Community attended the annual Santa Margarita Memorial Day weekend show this year (May 26th through the 29th). As our first presence at a scheduled event proved, we are a growing club with a strong following. Several of our board and club members manned the Yellow Power tent and enjoyed brisk sales of our merchandise.

Our president, David Wintermute spent the weekend in attendance and spent most of the time visiting with old friends and making new ones. He reports that the show was a positive outing for Yellow Power. The digging area provided hours of entertainment and the breadth and width of the represented machines was on par with previous years. His appreciation for those who brought machines and participated is widespread.

Peter Bloom’s contingent of machines were well received, including the presence of his recently acquired Holt 75-powered dragline. The details of the recovery make for good reading and will be the subject of a later article here at Yellow Power. Needless to say, his exploits are entertaining and rewarding. Pete’s daughter Emily celebrated in style by using the gathering as a segway to married life. She and her fiancé George tied the knot after spending the morning attending to the duties of the show. Their pre-matrimony posturing caused quite a bit of curiosity as they wandered the show grounds donned in their black t-shirts designating the soon-to-be bride and groom. Their entourage, also clad in matching black shirts posed for photos on several machines. We can’t wait to see the wedding photos. Imagining the future generation viewing these unique photos is entertaining.

Kent Bates spent a few days surveying the scene and had high marks for most of the collections present. Kent’s appreciation for the always impressive Veercamp offerings were voiced. He also informs that Josh Stevens display of 2 exquisitely restored Gas Seventies and his Gas 65 displayed a level of historical correctness not typical these days. Kent also acknowledged the impressive display of military hardware that is the centerpiece of the show. In honor of those who served protecting the country, the Memorial Day weekend show is dedicated to remembrance of those making the ultimate sacrifice. The military collectors displayed a vast array of restored machines and memorabilia.

Tom Stanesa once again made the herculean effort of supplying the Yellow Power merchandise needs by transporting goods from the Midwest to the venue. His generosity also included hundreds of donated models to augment the offerings at the show. Tom’s ongoing desire to support the club is atypical in most circles and well appreciated. As our logistic solution to the daunting task of providing merchandise support, transport and sales, his continued tireless support is something we all appreciate.

To offer positive customer relations, Jim Clack spent the weekend providing an enjoyable sales presence. Jim always loves to “work” the merchandise table and his talents were on full display throughout the event. It’s always a joy to watch Jim engage the people who step up. Of those who approach, the children seem to enjoy chatting with him the most. His hands-on demonstration of the wares for sale allows the potential customer a full explanation of the value of the goods. His honest presentation often results in a happy transaction. We are sure his reputation precedes him at upcoming shows. Jim made a note of the impressive display of 10 Best 60s. The line up reminded what it must have looked like in the front lot of a Best tractor dealership back in the day. Jim’s appreciation for the great weather was noted. I guess when you spend most of the year holed-up in the cabin because it’s a balmy -12° outside, the bright warm sun of southern California is a welcoming entry into the summer months. John Moyna also spent considerable time visiting with Jim and the Yellow Power delegation. Look for more future opportunities to engage with John’s heritage center located in Iowa. Watch the Yellow Power site for updates.

A special thank you to Tom Madden, Rob Rossi, the Santa Margarita Ranch and the Paso Robles Pioneer Day Committee for the hard work that goes into organizing and staging the annual show. Dedicated to honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, these folks go to great effort to present a memorable event. The presence of military collectors and the vast array of historic Best, Holt and Caterpillar machines provides a broad range of interests and historic value.

The next opportunity to meet with members of Yellow Power will present itself at the 2023 Half Century Of Progress show in Rantoul, ILl August 24 – 27. We will be there with merchandise, machines and good cheer. Come on out and support the club. You’ll have a great time.


Santa Margarita Show

Santa Margarita Show


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ChuckC replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago
Bruce, is any Yellow power officials coming to the Rock River show Labor Day weekend? I know Kent Bates usually shows up.