Gary in California is the Brother in Law of Murl, who was an operator who worked all the big jobs in California from the 1950s on. Murl took some 8 mm video of some of those jobs, which Gary has posted on YouTube.

This video is silent, but is a really neat peek into what the operators on the biggest jobs were doing and the sights they saw.

Lots of footage of tandem scraper hookups, quad sheepsfoots and Cat No. 16 graders. I go back and review this regularly.

Garlic Mom and I were lucky enough to meet Gary and Murl at the Woodland show in 2010. We spent some quality time together and shared a few meals. Murl told us lots of great stories about those days.

After the tour, they gave us a ride back to our Tesla, which by then was showing about 100 miles available. We gave it another hour to charge by walking to some nearby shops and having some lunch.

Enjoy the bump on Murl’s video and please share it around to those who would like a trip down memory lane, or those who would just like to see how it was done in the good old days!



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