By Dave Wintermute

Welcome to all Yellow Power members and guests! It seems like the good spring and summer weather is upon us finally and the show/event season is underway also.


The picture below is to remind us to get those winter projects out of the shop.

YP club report photo may 2023

I just wanted to update all on the startup of the YPCC organization. After our launch in mid-January this year now, 4 months ago, things have been moving forward nicely. The YPCC Board of Directors has held five Board meetings to get the organization underway. Our next Board meeting is scheduled to take place at the Santa Margarita show in California.

Membership: YPCC has over 100 members and guests to date. There are eight lifetime members. Membership continues to grow. We offer a great welcome to all that have joined to date. We want to encourage all of us to spread the word regarding YPCC membership.

Chapters: YPCC has accepted (2) Subsidiary Chapters

Collectors of Antique Tractors (C.A.T.) covering NJ, Eastern Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maryland.

California Oil and Tracklayers covering central California.

It is exciting to welcome these 2 chapters. One from the east coast and the other from the west coast. It is harder to get farther apart. We need to fill some chapters in between! A couple of other Chapters are currently in the works to join soon. Any inquiries regarding Chapter applications can be directed to Membership and Chapters Chair, Loma Berndsen. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (888) 228-7093 for more information.

Insurance: It is great to have YPCC Liability and Umbrella Excess Liability policies in place.

Show/Events: The first major event that YPCC will be in attendance at, is the 2023 Best of the West Show at the Santa Margarita Ranch on May 25-28. YPCC will have a tent for rest and to welcome all with several YPCC directors in attendance. Merchandise, including hats, models, and other merchandise will be available for purchase as well as membership sign-ups. Looking forward to meeting all who can attend. It will be a great show as usual at the ranch! Thanks to Tom Madden for help with logistics and Tom Stanesa for merchandise donations and transportation.

The next planned major event that YPCC will be in attendance is the Half Century of Progress show held in Rantoul, IL. on August 24-27. This will be a working show with a reported estimated attendance of 100,000 people.

Other local shows/events are and will be communicated on this website.



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ChuckC replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
just a reminder that the Rock River Thresheree in Edgeton Wisconsin is Labor Day weekend. For details go to the Rock River Tresheree,s website. We have a large sandbox with a lot of equipment working the dirt. Mike F. Model 41 Bucyrus steam dragline is a must see attraction.